An outstanding collection for a bespoke view

Frames made in France
Our new products
In the early 1990s
Maurice Timon
A man, observes that for most people wearing glasses is not a pleasure, but rather a limitation. While opticians market the same style of frames, he proposes a risky bet: to manufacture totally different glasses that, according to him, will finally meet the true expectations of consumers. He will make them as minimal as possible, providing them with a maximum of technologies, so that they are beautiful, discreet, functional and pleasant to wear. Minima’s name comes up as evidence. We are in 1994 and the success is immediate. More than twenty years later, the Minima brand is present in more than 80 countries and has more than 4,000 points of sale in France. Its collections have not stopped growing and adapting over the years, as fashions have evolved and glasses have been complemented with accessories. Minima has followed these market evolutions, preserving its philosophy and identity: to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art products, fully adapted to the needs and well-being of spectacle wearers. Minimal, of course!